Open Adobe Illustrator
Change the Background to whatever color of your choice.
Draw a Rectangle with a white fill and no Stroke.
Delete the top left vertex using the delete anchor point pen tool.
Adjust the shape into a triangle by using the direct selection tool.
Draw a line from the top vertex to the opposite edge.
Click Stroke at the top & Give the stroke a larger weight and select the width profile #4.
Expand it from Object>Expand Appearance.
Adjust the anchor points aligning with your using the direct selection tool.
Give it a light color.
Draw another Rectangle at the end of your triangle while also using the same color in the previous step.
Delete an Anchor point making sure that the shape is pointing down (This shape should look like a triangle)
Click on the end point of this shape with the pen tool & select the front vertex of the first shape, completing the plane.
Move the layer behind in the Layers Panel and it should look like a PAPER PLANE!